"CHEMISTRY is the study of MATTER!!!" Most of the high school chemistry teachers tell this to their students in the first class. While continue listening to your teacher and flipping through the pages in your textbook, you'll read this:

If you find difficulties in understanding what element, compound, atom & molecule are, do not worry. Many people have trouble understanding the things that they cannot see.
Let's just try to replace atoms with fishballs & see what will happen

Element is composed of one type of fishball only.

...Different fishballs have different taste & size -> Different atoms have different characteristic & size
Compound is composed of more than one type of fishballs that are chemically combined.

Now, ask yourself a few questions. Are they (a) element or compound, (b) atom or molecule?

Answer: Q1.(a) element (b) molecule, Q2. (a) compound (b) molecule, Q3. (a) element (b) atom
Have you got it correct?
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